Sunday, September 18, 2011

My First Non-Huge Post!

Had my first day of work today! Yay! I'm working at a restaurant called Fasta Pasta that's really close to where I live. It only takes me 20 mins to walk there or 10 mins to ride the bus. I'll be riding the bus more and more as the wet season continues to creep up on us! It's just so hot! The heat isn't really that bad, I can handle that, it's the humidity! It's outrageous! ...and it's only going to get worse! When I came into Australia the woman who looked at passport and visa told me that I was "going to die" in Darwin, I'm starting to think she was right! The only good news is, it should be really easy for me to keep losing weight since every time I step out the door, I'm drenched in sweat! Silver lining, yeah?

Went to see a drag show last night at the gay bar here in Darwin. It's called Throb and they were hosting a performance by the "Pussycats" The show wasn't very long or spectacular...but they had some awesome outfits and lots of energy, plus we got there early and had free entry! So I'm not about to complain!

One more thing! I seem to be unable to get a cold bottle of Pepsi. It sounds silly, but it's true. It's too bad I don't like Coke, cause that's everywhere! Even at the grocery store! I have to buy the 2 liter bottle or a 24 pack of cans...and I def don't need that much Pepsi! After searching everywhere one night, I finally found ONE vending machine on campus that wasn't sold out of Pepsi...but then I discovered that it doesn't take $2 coins!!! I only have one $1 coin and a soda is $3!! I almost cried, but had some chocolate instead! haha!


  1. You are so adorable!! I noticed you were losing weight... keep at it! I'm proud of you!

  2. Haha! Thanks! Not sure if it's because I've been having to cook for myself or because every time I step outside my room I'm instantly sweating...
